Mold & Moisture
Here at GDC, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to make our homes a healthier, safer space. However, the typical methods and materials that are used to construct our homes these days are making this a bit more complicated. Building codes that require more energy efficiency have led us to a situation where moisture gets trapped in the walls and cannot escape properly.
Mold and bacteria found naturally in the outdoors can make their way into the walls and feed upon the building materials and are fueled by the moisture that is stuck. Small drips of water from a leaking pipe or cracked grout in a shower seem harmless. But over time, this too can lead to a flourishing of mold and bacteria. Some people are unaffected by this, as their body’s immune system can fight it off. But for others…about 25% of the world’s population…mold and bacteria can lead to health issues that are anywhere from just problematic, to catastrophic.
Allergy-like symptoms of sneezing, itchy eyes, a runny nose, or low-grade skin rashes are most common. But for the unlucky ones who are more sensitive and have the genetic predisposition, this exposure can lead to CIRS – Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and/or MCAS – Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
To do our part in preventing this from happening in your home, we have put together a curated collection of cleaners and sealers, along with testing and purification devices. We are also offering a selection of materials specifically designed to help reduce the infiltration of moisture into the home, thus lowering the threat for mold and bacterial growth. For every product that is purchased through our new Mold & Moisture category, we will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Change the Air Foundation, a certified 501c3 nonprofit organization giving every person the knowledge, resources, and support to achieve better health by breathing safe indoor air.